Sunday, July 7, 2013


It has been 9 months now that I lived abroad and I've learnt a lot of things. Good and bad experiences, hard times, unforgettable moments, laughter's and tears. But the most important for me is that I've learnt to enjoy life again. My friends and the people with who I spent my time in New York and San Diego and everything I've been through gave me the inspiration to write again. 
First of all this is not only about me this is about what I want to share with you, how to look different at things in life. Maybe it can help you, not literally but maybe it can change the way you think at the moment, like it changed mine.

It's so important to enjoy the things you do, whatever it is. Even just a coffee or a nap. You are alive so you are living a life but are you really LIVING your life? If you want to achieve something in life you have to do something for it, because these things will not solve themselves. This is what you can't change about life but almost everything else is in your own hands.